Visual Artist/Entrepreneur/Teacher/Student............

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WelfedthaArtist, Come and Explore the Journey of Creativity...........


This joint came about , off the top of my head. and this is one of my earlier joints, this was done in 09'.
Decisions remind me of my up bringing, back in the days in Flint, MI. a lot of us had some choices to be made. As all youth and adults have Decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Nice portrait!! This guy has options but first he must deprogram his self by getting right knowledge (Meter Neter, Brother Panic, Ray Hagins, Ivan Sertima, Dr Ben). You are lock up and chained in the mind. Break them shackles by learning real science. We are born to be scientist. SO START EXPERIMENTING in the lab of higher consciousness!! The 1000 pedal lotus flower awaits YOU!
